Our Customer Manuals are a comprehensive ” How To” documents describing the customer journey from the booking process to post packaging. Please contact us to begin your booking process and to receive our Customer Manuals.
Please review our Standard Conditions of Service for more information on our booking process.
What is the Customer Manual?
90% of all frequently asked questions will be answered in this manual. You will receive this when you make your first enquiry. It is a comprehensive “How-To” document that covers everything every aspect of the booking process in an easy to understand manner.
How many cans per day can Tiny Keg fill?
This is always dependent on various factors including the liquid, can size, set up times and distance of travel. When our Wild Goose Canning machine is dialled in it can do 40 cans per minute. We can do anywhere between 9000 – 20 000 cans per day.
Do you filter the liquid?
If wine is already filtered we can put similar filters in place to ensure product condition.
Can we fill from kegs or only from Tank?
We will only fill from bright beer tank (BBT) or Fermenter as kegs introduce oxygen which will degrade the quality of the product and will lead to waste.
Why Liquid Nitrogen?
We dose still wine pre-seam with liquid nitrogen to ensure can integrity via pressure and to minimise oxygen pick up.
Minimum order quantities (MOQs) ?
Currently, it stands at 1500l. We price on a sliding scale with 3000l and above being a sweet spot for our ability to deliver efficiently at a good price.